col·lo·qui·um (kə-lō′kwē-əm) n.
[Latin, conversation, from colloquī, to talk together : com-, com- + loquī, to speak
n. pl. col·lo·qui·ums or col·lo·qui·a (-kwē-ə)
1. an informal gathering for discussion
2. (Education) an academic seminar
Colloquium is psychodynamic psychotherapy.
The most effective psychotherapy is in its essence a conversation. It is an entering into a special kind of relationship to talk together and to speak with uncommon openness and honesty.
Colloquium is collaborative and career-long learning.
Our most transformational professional learning as clinicians is possible when we gather formally or informally for discussion.
Colloquium is ongoing immersion in theory-to-practice.
The deepest work we can do as practitioners requires that we return to and draw upon the best of our clinical education and academic training.